Networking environment:
- A wireless network (WLAN) will be set up for use by the workshop participants.
- Connections to the Ethernet based network (LAN) are possible through publicly accessible Ethernet sockets.
- 3 laptops (Windows XP) will be set up for general use by the workshop participants. These laptops will be connected to the LAN.
LAN (10/100 Mbps Ethernet) / WLAN (11/54 Mbps IEEE 802.11b/g):
- provider: PSI
- subnet-mask:
- broadcast:
- network: (class C)
- gateway:
- wlan-channel: 5
- wlan-essid: iwbs2004
- wlan-security: none
- domain-name: iwbs
- domain-name-servers:
WLAN Router Configuration
(reachable at the workshop only and password protected)
WAN (10/100 Mbps Ethernet):
- provider: Hotel Kirchbühl
- subnet-mask:
- broadcast:
- network: (class C)
- gateway:
Internet (ADSL-I, 600 (downstream) / 100
(upstream) kbps):
- provider: bluewin
- contact: TUCOM computer
- domain-name: bluewin.ch
- domain-name-servers: (primary), (secondary)
- smtp-server: mail.bluewin.ch
- news-server: news.bluewin.ch
- Printer name: XeroxPhaser8200DP
- Printer queue: XeroxPhaser8200DP
Printer specifications of Xerox Phaser 8200DP (PPD file)
- Print server: PC3050
- IP address: (PC3050)
- Setup:
- Linux with RedHat print manager:
Queue Type
"LPD" / Printer Server Address
/ Printer Queue Name XeroxPhaser8200DP /
Select Generic Postscript Printer
Linux with RLPR package: rlpr -PXeroxPhaser8200DP@ <filename>
Optional double sided print with phaser8200duplex
script: cat <PS filename> | phaser8200duplex <Book or Calendar> | rlpr
- Windows: setup Network Printer
\\PC3050\XeroxPhaser8200DP (if you are asked to login, specify the user "iwbs2004" and password "iwbs2004".
- Mac: IP Printing / Printer Type LPD/LPR / Printer address
/ Queue Name: XeroxPhaser8200DP
File Server:
- /software (read only)
/exchange (all workshop participants
have read and write access). This folder is supposed to be used to transfer electronic
presentations to the presentation laptops
- Setup:
- Linux: use our special IWBS file server mount script
iwbsmount (and
iwbsumount to unmount).
First download these scripts
(save as...) to /usr/local/bin on your
laptop. Change the file permission as follows: chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/iwbsmount
and chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/iwbsumount. Type
iwbsmount and after the successful
connection to the fileserver you will find
/iwbs2004/software and /iwbs2004/exchange
on your laptop.
- Windows: connect to \\pc3050\software and
\\pc3050\exchange as user "iwbs2004" and password "iwbs2004"
- Mac: connect with smb://iwbs2004@
and smb://iwbs2004@ using the password
Presentation environment:
- 1 beamer (plus 1 spare) for
electronic presentations
- 1 overhead
projector for transparency based presentations
2 big
presentation silver screens
- 2 presentation laptops running Windows XP with installations of Microsoft Office XP,
OpenOffice.org 1.1.3 and
Adobe Reader 6.0 (One laptop is in use while the other one is being prepared for the next presentation and vice versa)
1 VGA signal switch
Powerful green laser pointer
Wireless "slide
remote control"
2 spare USB memory sticks
Upload of Presentations at the Workshop (two
- Upload your presentation to both presentation laptops by means of a USB memory stick before the session starts.
Copy your presentation from your own laptop to the file
(see above). Then you can either download your presentation
from the fileserver to both presentation laptops onto the local hard
disks (preferred way of uploading) or you run your presentation via the
network from the file server.
Important Information for Speakers:
- There is no computer running
a presentation on "stage".
Your presentation runs
on one of the two laptops
(Windows XP) on the Chairman's desk.
- Upload your presentation to both presentation laptops by means of a USB memory stick before the session starts
Once the Chairman has started
your electronic presentation you will have full control over your
presentation with a keyboard and a mouse on "stage".
Additionally we will provide
a simple and easy to use wireless "slide
remote control" with two buttons (one slide backward / one slide
- During your
presentation the Chairman can help you
"online" if you have a
problem with your presentation. He/She has
access to
your presentation.
- More information about the
presentation setup can be found here:
Instructions for Speakers and simplified
- We will provide the so called "Speaker
Timer". This timer allows you to manage your remaining presentation time.
- The Chairman sets up the time (in minutes) and
controls the timer with his mouse and keyboard.
- Your screen shows the minutes remaining together with a horizontal bar.
Important Information for Chairmen:
- The
presentations run on the laptops on the Chairman's desk.
next presentation can be prepared by the Chairman
on the other laptop while the first presentation is running. After
the first presentation has finished, the Chairman switches to the other
laptop by pressing the button on the VGA switch
box. (More information about the
presentation setup can be found here:
Instructions for Chairman and simplified
- The Chairman needs to make sure that all
presentations are available on both presentation laptops (preferred) or on the
fileserver (see
above) before the session starts.
- The Chairman operates the
Timer". He sets up
the time (in minutes) and
controls the timer with his mouse and keyboard.
Links to useful software:
- Multi platform:
- Linux:
- Windows:
- PuTTY - A Free Telnet/SSH Client (Local: ZIP for Windows 95,
98, ME, NT,
2000, XP)
- TTSSH - Enhanced Telnet/SSH2 Client (Local: ZIP for Windows 2000,
- WinSCP - Freeware SFTP and SCP client for Windows (Local: EXE for Windows 2000,
OpenOffice.org 1.1.3 (Local:
for Windows 98, ME, NT
with Service Pack 6 or higher, 2000 or XP)
Adobe Reader 6.0
EXE for Windows XP)
Mozilla Firefox
for Windows 98, 98SE, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP)
LevelOne WPC-0300 WLAN
PCMCIA-Adapter (Local: Documentation &
Drivers for Windows 98,
ME, 2000, XP)
LINKSYS Wireless Ethernet Bridge
2.4 GHz 802.11b Configuration Software
NetStumbler v0.4.0 (active WLAN Scanner
Notes (Local:
EXE for Windows
2000, XP)
- Misc:
Maintained by
Martin Heiniger (PSI) Last update December 15, 2004 10:12 CET